All Rise: A Festival of Film & Law is supported by a generous gift by Lee and Ageleke Zapis. As an ongoing project serving a diverse and vibrant community, the festival relies on support from its sponsors.
For more information and to become a sponsor, contact:
Constance M. Karapelou, BA ’87, MA ’02
Senior Director of Advancement
College of Arts and Sciences
Cleveland State University
Platinum Sponsor
1 available
- 2 Film Sponsorships of choice w/opportunity to present opening remarks
- 2 Representatives at VIP Dinner Reception with Keynote Presenters on Festival’s opening night
- 8 tickets for each film to distribute to clients or employees
- Logo credit as Platinum Sponsor
- Website
- Social media
- Print and electronic invitations reaching thousands of CSU alumni, friends and community
- leaders
- Festival Program and Poster
Gold Sponsor
2 available
- Film Sponsorship of choice w/opportunity to present opening remarks
- 6 tickets for each film to distribute to clients or employees
- Logo credit as Gold Sponsor
- Website
- Social media
- Print and electronic invitations reaching thousands of CSU alumni, friends and community leaders
- Festival Program and Poster
Silver Sponsor
- 4 tickets for each film to distribute to clients or employees
- Logo credit as Silver Sponsor
- Website
- Social media
- Print and electronic invitations reaching thousands of CSU alumni, friends and community leaders
- Festival Program and Poster
Bronze Sponsor
- 2 tickets for each film to distribute to clients or employees
- Logo credit as Bronze Sponsor
- Website
- Social media
- Print and electronic invitations reaching thousands of CSU alumni, friends and community leaders
- Festival Program and Poster